USA – Step 3

USA – Step 3 – Payment Processing

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    Send Your Data Set-Up

    Email your data set-up information sheet from your merchant processing provider to with your Client ID, which is a 4 digit number found after logging into RainMaker on the home page next to your business name.

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    Order Your Payment Gateway

    Click the button below to order your payment gateway set-up from RainMaker. We will take care of everything for you to get your USA E-Pay account started.

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    Test Transaction

    Once your payment gateway has been created, we will do a $1 test transaction to verify your merchant processing and payment gateway are all set up properly. After this you will receive an email indicating the test has been done. You will then need to wait a couple of days and verify the actual deposit of these funds.
    DO NOT verify funds have been deposited based on anything but looking at your bank account. The funds may be deposited as a gross transaction $1 or a net transaction which will be less than $1, depending on your merchant processing terms.